Peace sis! Yes I have seen great results. When I did my last echo the doctors didn't see a hole in my heart anymore. My blood pressure has been good. No more talk of inducing me. The baby has been active and seems to already have a personality,lol. I continue my supplements and eating the diet regimen you recommended. I absolutely have no complaints and I appreciate you checking up on me.

Carmond T. (July 19, 2023)

Peace Dr. Shira!! Just wanted to give a little feedback for you to share regarding your Ceremonious product. Frist thing… that thing hits you as soon as you ingest it… I mean literally a matter of 2 mins. I’m a heavy THC smoker and this has even given me a better relaxed feeling and sensation than smoking regular cannabis. It’s also great for when I get home in the moring since I work overnights and my rhythm of time is off. So if I find myself not being able to fall asleep, two or three full droppers will do the job and ill sleep a few hours straight through. Thank you for your amazing product. Can’t wait to purchase my next batch!

William C. (July 16, 2023)

Peace Dr. Shira, we are leaving the doctors office from getting his labs drawn.I had his PSA, liver and kidney labs ordered and it should be back next wee. His blood pressure is looking very well its 119/81, it has never been that good all his life he said even when he was on blood pressure medications lol.

Aisha M. (June 4, 2023)

Shoutout to Healthy Cedes! Best Doctor I know. Top Notch, super qualified.

Mond A. (April 29, 2023)

Omg I got your Womb tonic and already I can feel a difference in my body. Products top tier!!. So, me and my boyfriend have been trying to get pregnant. We started last month but I have always had very heavy and long periods and cramping, and I always get like BV or a yeast infection after my period. My friend recommend you immediately to get my hormones and balances out my body. My period was shorter and less bloody lol, my vagina doesn’t feel as off (idk how to explain it but it always feels weird after my period), and I just feel like my body is getting better prepared for a baby. Also, I don’t normally have an Oder besides like from being sweaty, but I really smell fresh like no scent since I started using your formula

Anonymous (August 21, 2022)

I’ve been taking cure all which has helped me tremendously with not getting sick around people that took the vax.

Anonymous (June 14, 2022)

I just finished day 7 off the liver & gallbladder detox & omg It was definitely an experience lol,I definitely saw a good amount of stones pass. I’m feeling good & know I’ll feel even better in the upcoming days, much appreciation to you!

Jailyn R. (June 12, 2022)

Shout out to Dr.Shira @healthycedes has helped me along the way of the healing process and cleansing parasites from my body. From my eczema, skin issues to My body feeling more light. Overall less mood swings and cramps. This diet plan has improved my self awareness, and growth. Especially the Healthycedes balm would recommend 10/10 has helped my bad breakouts and lighten my skin, l feel more happy, more self aware with what I put on my skin and body thank you

Syrea P. (May 15 2022)

I have to tell you I have no more gas and bloating (except for when I eat stuff I’m not supposed to) and when I tell you I feel GREAT! It almost feels abnormal because I been so tired all the time.

Veniecia R. (April 25, 2022)

Gratitude sis once again! Your remedy helped my daughter and I holistically. I started the compound yesterday evening prior to bed. My daughter and I will continue to take the immune booster shots for the entire week. My symptoms prior to taking it was a migraine, sore throat, high fever and body aches/pain. My daughter had a fever, runny nose, cough and sore throat. We both are symptom free. But I am open to healing us both holistically. I know my power is in what I prepare and feed the both of us. I did the intake.

(Lah A. April 11 2022)

Omg! Thank you so much… I’ve been following your meals and juicing so far I lost 10 lbs. and the womb healer is the truth! Thank you for being compassionate about your work. You have truly helped me in my quest. Although I’m not where I need to be this an awesome start !!!!

Chandra J. (March 21, 2022)

If you’re ever thinking of doing a parasite cleanse and weight loss (unfortunate for me because I did lose some, but it’s worth it) amongst other benefits, get this. It’s all natural, all organic with no bs ingredients like “natural flavors” lol. If you do get out, I recommend changing your eating habits. So this isn’t for the weak and only for those serious about their health. I’m seeing less and less parasites as time goes on.

Atofo X. (Dec 23 2021)

Hey sis!!! Guess what! Hubby loves it!!! He said man I didn’t need to smoke once we got home… I love this! He said he loves how he feels it in his eyes… thank you so much !!! We definitely will be purchasing more!

Anonymous (Dec 22 2021)

Wow, I just thought about it too. The fluid mover and liver tea which is just about gone works great works great for me, I am monitoring water intake and getting more sleep.

Carlton D. (Dec 22 2021)

Cedes is an automatic go to whenever I’m feeling even remotely unwell. When I was dealing with an UTI, I was able to call on her and she provided me with very simple and easy to make remedies that have served me extremely well. I wasn’t feeling well over the summer and I was fearful of having COVID19 but Cedes was able to once again provide very simple and easy to make solutions that not eased my mind as well as my help. I recommend it to anyone who has any ailment. Thank you so very much Cedes!

- Jamal S. (Dec 20 2021)

Oh yes one surprising thing that is happening is my gray hair around my edges are turning back to black! I thought I was trippin at first! It’s really the truth eating this way!

- Tash P. (Dec 20 2021)

Peace Shira,
I just wanted to let you know that I noticed how that I had steady alertness and focus throughout the day while using your pine pollen infused CBD. In contrast, I tried a couple other CBD products but felt weird and the experiences allowed me to appreciate your product even more. Looking forward to receiving my next order, and it’ll be even more appreciated as I have a bulging disk resulting from a hit and run accident.

-Joelle R. (Nov 30 2021)

Thank you sooo much!! My skin is clearing up already sis!!! And I’m feeling wayyy better no anxiety at all! Just at peace and wayyyy more energy! You da best!!!

-Robrielle P (Nov 30 2021)

Peace Dr. Shira,
I just wanted to say thank you for speaking to me and expediting the shipment of your CBD product to my close family member. She share with me that:
1. It was potent
2. She used it as directed &
3. She felt much better
This was music to my ears considering the horrible car crash she just experienced and the extent of her bruising! Thanks again doc. 🙌🏾
-Joelle R. (October 6, 2021)

I am truly grateful for Mercedes and her helping me on my journey! I have hope again, we’ve only been working together for a month now and I’m already noticing a difference. I have more energy, getting better sleep, I haven’t experienced any of the pain I used to have, and I even healed from a few things mentally. It’s sometimes still hard for me to believe I made this much progress in such a short time. I highly suggest you book a consult with her! -Jelissa M. (September 28th 2021)

I'm happy and excited to share this story about the Cureall I purchased back in June 2021 and started taking it immediately. Prior to that I was having problem with my hemoglobin it was low numbers was 7 , 8 and 9.2 and that I got the iron infusion that only brought my numbers up to a 10.5 keep in mind haven't started the Cureall yet. I went back to my hematologist in July 31 did another complete blood test my hemoglobin was at 13.6. It was the look on the doctors face for me . I know they wanted asked what have you been doing and taking. Girl this product here is the and you are definitely going to take off so I will place order after order.... -Joi Blassingame (September 11, 2021)

This CUREALL it’s cleaning out every bad thing I ever consumed.

- Wahu X. (August 29, 2021)

I’m beyond ecstatic of my new lifestyle, I refuse to call a diet as it’s not a trend nor is it temporary. I’ve suffered from fibroids during my recent pregnancy and postpartum. Lately, there has been a lot of pressure in that area. I’ve also had issues with arthritis on and off. I started following Cedes on FB and took an interest in some of her recipes. Around the time I had stopped eating chicken, I ate mostly organic, amongst Other things I really thought I was living the healthiest lifestyle so I didn’t understand why my body was still being resilient. I saw a juice that she posted and gathered supplies to recreate it the next day. It was nourishing to say the least. I needed to keep feeling that way so I booked a consultation. It was the most  informative  consultation I’ve ever had in my life. I learned things that I surely couldn’t have found via a search engine. I immediately started incorporating those changes the next day. I purged my kitchen of all the debilitating ingredients. Now two weeks later and I no longer have the discomfort from my fibroids, no arthritis issues, and I’ve lost 6lbs (and that’s without any exercise.) This is the first time I’ve been able to fit my pre pregnancy jeans. As a retired supermodel/actress this is the first time that my physical appearance was not a factor as I was more concerned about my internal health and overall well-being. I’m just in awe at how quick I’m seeing results. About a week ago I almost discarded a whole pile of jeans I knew I would never wear again.. or so I thought.  I feel amazing, less lethargic and more energy for my little guy. I’m thankful that I’m able to now pass down these habits to my son. It seems like for the first time we are experiencing eating “real food” that’s actually fueling our bodies with every meal. -Sharri Jones (April 17,2021)

I just had my 41st birthday on April 1st and I can honestly say that I was finally starting to feel my age. After years of being in tip top shape competing as competitive amateur boxer, and staying camera fit as an actor my body was starting to breakdown. I thought that I was doing something with my pescatarian based diet. It had given me tremendous results over the years but since the birth of my son last year and COVID putting a wrench into my workout routine I picked up 30 pounds since we moved to Texas from LA. Enter Cedes I had a consultation with her two weeks ago today and she basically gave me the harsh truth that I had been literally eating fake food for my entire life. I immediately implemented her recommendations. Finally she informed me that my kamikaze workout routine was doing more damage than good and since making the necessary adjustments I’ve seen a considerable difference. 2 weeks later I’m down 12 pounds and I for the first time in my life I can actually feel my food traveling to my body parts while I’m eating it. I’m excited about the future and finally experiencing my God Body. If you are a melinated God or Goddess looking to achieve optimum health then you need to contact Cedes ASAP! -J. Randall (April 16, 2021)