THYMAX (Thyroid/Parathyroid/Neuromuscular)
Addresses Thyroid, Parathyroid
& Neuromuscular Disorders
Supports hormonal balance, regulates
the body’s metabolic rate controlling, heart,
muscle, digestive, brain function and bone
maintenance. Support production of parathyroid
hormone to maintain a balance in calcium,
phosphorus in the bloodstream. Release of calcium into the bones and bloodstream. Absorption of calcium from food by the intestines.
(2 month supply)
Addresses Thyroid, Parathyroid
& Neuromuscular Disorders
Supports hormonal balance, regulates
the body’s metabolic rate controlling, heart,
muscle, digestive, brain function and bone
maintenance. Support production of parathyroid
hormone to maintain a balance in calcium,
phosphorus in the bloodstream. Release of calcium into the bones and bloodstream. Absorption of calcium from food by the intestines.
(2 month supply)
Addresses Thyroid, Parathyroid
& Neuromuscular Disorders
Supports hormonal balance, regulates
the body’s metabolic rate controlling, heart,
muscle, digestive, brain function and bone
maintenance. Support production of parathyroid
hormone to maintain a balance in calcium,
phosphorus in the bloodstream. Release of calcium into the bones and bloodstream. Absorption of calcium from food by the intestines.
(2 month supply)